Like a Personal Stylist that guides you through the best clothes for your body type, I also specialize in colors and will walk you through the best colors that match YOUR skin undertone and will improve the way you look by just wearing the right colors for you. Do you benefit from wearing cool or warm colors? Do you look best in light or dark colors? What makeup colors should you wear? What hair color is recommended for you? What kind of accessories work best for your? This is all analyzed and determined during a color analysis.
A personal color analysis is a process during which a person’s skin undertone will be evaluated to determine the colors that will work most harmoniously with her particular skin, hair and eye colors. Your undertone, which is different from and more difficult to see than your visible overtone, is analyzed using specifically calibrated drapes to evaluate how each color relates to your skin and how your skin reacts to each drape. Different drapes are placed near your face to see what hue (warm or cool), value (light or dark),and chroma (bright or soft) makes you light up. I have also developed my own method to provide a virtual color analysis with ample success amongst my clients all over the U.S. and the world,.
We analyze the three characteristics of your coloring and determine which color hue (temperature), value (lightness or darkness of color) and chroma (color intensity) match your your coloring. My personal color analysis is based on the expanded seasonal method also known as seasonal color analysis and we determine a color palette out of 12 color seasons.
When you wear color near your face, the light reflects it upwards; this can cast either flattering tones or dark shadows, depending on the mix of the color and your skin tone. Choose colors that will create positive optical illusions on your skin –skin will be illuminated from below, complexion can look clearer and your eyes will sparkle and smile will look brighter "Color Me Confident: Change Your Look - Change your Life" by Veronique Henderson and Pat Henshaw.
Choose colors that will create positive optical illusions on your skin and make you look your best!
Have you ever seen a beautiful blue dress walk into a room and then notice there was a woman wearing it? Or have you admired a perfectly put-together outfit and wondered, “How did she do that?” That's the power of wearing your right colors, the colors that are in perfect harmony with your personal skin tone.
Many people underestimate the impact of color on their appearance but color is the first thing someone notices about you and we all know the power of first impressions... Having your colors done can make the world of difference in your personal and professional life. For one, you will feel confident in your own skin and will transmit elegance, competence, credibility and assertiveness by wearing your colors confidently. Your true essence and message will be captured in a positive manner.
Wearing the right colors that match your personal tone can also make you appear more vibrant and with a healthy glow. You can go from looking tired to radiant by just switching the color of something you’re wearing near your face. The reaction between your skin undertone and the right colors near your face can create an optical illusion effect that helps minimize the appearance of skin blemishes, wrinkles, pigmentation, and other flaws. The right colors will enhance your natural beauty and make your skin look clearer, your dark under eye circles look lighter and wrinkles appear less pronounced. Your teeth and white of eyes also appear brighter. It’s actually quite fascinating to see those changes occur right in front of your eyes during the analysis. The wrong colors, on the other hand, can actually draw attention to flaws mentioned above.
You can use this knowledge to your advantage to assist you in various areas of your life. Whether you need to look good for an interview, or give a talk in which you want your message to be received with credibility or express yourself in a more confident manner, discovering the power of your perfect colors will certainly give you an edge in the process.
The skin color analysis process has evolved greatly since it was first developed. It recognizes the fact that skin color is diverse and instead of fitting people into four categories, it now has expanded into twelve.
Back in the 1980s, personal color analysis became popular after the book “Color Me Beautiful” by Carole Jackson was released and was on the New York Times Bestseller List for over three years. Although that was a great introduction to the subject at the time, the traditional method is outdated.
Based on that system, you could be either warm or cool, or light or dark. While this works for some people, most people (particularly darker ethnicities that ended up always being Winters) need more nuance on their coloring than that. Over the decades, it has been felt that the personal color analysis process as an industry has largely ignored people of color.
Thankfully, the Personal Color Analysis process has evolved a lot since the days of “Color Me Beautiful" and the traditional method has been replaced by a more accurate, all-encompassing method called the “Expanded Seasonal Color Analysis, including 12 seasons.
The expanded system doesn’t rely on the simple equation “color of your skin + hair color + eye color = X Season." Instead of being based on a surface-level equation, the Expanded Seasonal Method, adopting Albert Munsell's dimensional color system, analyzes all three properties of color (hue, value and chroma) by placing calibrated drapes against a person's skin. In this system, you can have muted colors, or rich and clear colors based on the saturation or chroma, or the intensity of the pure pigment. Adding this third axis to the warm/cool and light/dark dimensions created a more complex and nuanced system that is more accurate for real people.
And this is why I decided to become certified in the Expanded Seasonal Method based on Munsell's color system. Human coloring is much too diverse to try and fit people into four categories without taking all variables into consideration. These 12 color palettes have been created taking into account the amazing diversity of human coloring. The method treats us all as unique individuals, recognizing that a person may have coloring characteristics from more than one season.
Your Personal Color Analysis is performed at my home studio in Denver, CO. We will meet for 2 hrs where we will assess your natural skin (no make-up) under ample lighting using specifically calibrated drapes in a precise, systematic process to determine your skin undertone. We’ll place fabric swatches of different color hues(temperature), value (light and dark) and chroma (bright/ intense or soft/muted) near your face and observe how your undertones react to all different drapes. Certain colors can make your skin look clearer whereas others can make blemishes more apparent or dark under-eyes darker These reactions are seen due to the effects of optical illusion - "when you wear color near your face, the light reflects it upwards; this can cast either flattering tones or dark shadows, depending on the mix of the color and your skin tone." "Color Me Confident: Change Your Look - Change your Life” by Veronique Henderson and Pat Henshaw.
We will see visible differences in your appearance with different drapes and identify which color tones enhance your natural beauty and which ones make you disappear or overpower you. We'll find out if you look better in cool or warm tones, light or dark shades or somewhere in between and if bright or muted colors suit you best.
In addition, we will review hair colors for you based on your contrast level and undertone and also go over make-up recommendations for your own coloring.
Once we determine your season (among 12 of them), you will receive a color fan containing 60+ colors from your season. Each color harmonizes with your specific coloring and represent your best colors. Keep your palette with you in your purse whenever you go shopping or come across any sales - it's an amazing shopping companion. You’ll also be given access to a digital color palette. We’ll also identify your best neutrals, your best jewelry and determine how bright, dark or muted your colors need to be to make you naturally sparkle.
Once you have your color palette in your hands you will feel like a whole new world has opened up for you and you’ll feel empowered to look and feel your best with all the tools provided to you in your session. You’ll never look at colors or clothes or shopping the same way again.
Photo by Branislav Belko on Unsplash
A virtual color analysis is perfect to help you determine your season and provide you with insights regarding your best colors based on your skin tone, your own coloring composition.
Through the Expanded Seasonal Method using the Robert Munsell theory, I will analyze your photos in depth and study your main color traits (temperature + value (lightness and darkness) + chroma (intensity) in order to determine your season (out of 12!). This is a much more up-to-date process than the outdated 4-season process known from the 80s.
Please be aware this is NOT a computer-generated analysis. I will personally dedicate a time to analyze your pictures in great detail and create your personalized portfolio based on your skin coloring. I carefully study all of your traits to reach to your season.
Once you book your analysis, you will receive an email from me with a questionnaire so I can assess your needs and desires in regards to your color analysis and you will also submit at least 5 high-resolution pictures of your face in natural lighting for the analysis. Photo submission tips are below.
1) Purchase your virtual color consultation
2) Once purchased, you will receive an email from me with a questionnaire that will help me get to know you better and also understand your needs and desires with a color consultation.
3) Please take at least 5 clear, high-resolution pictures of your face in natural lighting and email them to me at The clearer and higher-resolution the pictures, the better. Please be aware that my color analysis can only be as good as the pictures sent to me. With this in mind, please see recommendations for photo submissions below.
4) Once I've received your photos and questionnaire, I will set a time to perform my personal color analysis on your photos.
5) This is not a computer-generated analysis and it may take time for me to reach to your season. I want to make sure that we will obtain an accurate description of your coloring so we can get to the right color palette for you so I may reach out to you for any additional questions or request more photos.
6) Please allow 5-7 business days for your analysis to be completed.
7) Once your analysis is completed, I will email you your PDF files according to your package.
8) If you have purchased the Comprehensive Color Analysis package, I will mail your color fan once your color palette has been determined.
9) Once you receive your color fan, we will schedule your Zoom meeting to discuss your results.
10) You can email me for a one-on-one follow-up support email for 2 weeks after your analysis has been performed. I will be more than happy to help you along this journey and offer any tips you may have after receiving your palette.
* For the Express Color Analysis Service, if you wish to purchase a physical color fan, they are available for sale separately and they can be mailed to you.
The photos submitted for your virtual color analysis are of uttermost importance for a successful and accurate personal color analysis , so below are some guidelines for the best photos:
Putting your best face forward!!
No more guessing what works for your face - you’ll have a map with specific directions based on your intrinsic facial attributes and you’ll feel confident choosing hair cuts and color, choosing an eyebrow design for you, doing your make-up - all knowing that you’re naturally enhancing and highlighting your best features.
Just like the Face Map, we go through a process of body measurement to develop a strategy plan choosing cuts and clothing types that will align with your body, style, personality and image goals.
The complete roadmap to the real and best version of you! Combining DNA Face Map and Body Map for a complete alignment of your intrinsic traits with your image goals. Create a unified message as desired by you and designed upon your own lines and elements of design already present in you.
Eyewear is the most important facial accessory and yet, the most overlooked.
It’s an important element of visual impact. Come learn to see and be seen!!
If the body has clothes to dress it, the face has hair to adorn it and frame it. Your hair is your biggest facial accessory expressing your nonverbal communication at all times. It's important that your hair ma tches your characteristics while also being aligned with the image you want to express to the external world. Let's make use of visual elements of design around to create hair looks that match you inside and out.
Putting your best face forward! From a detailed study of your face, the predominant lines on your face and your image goals, we'll develop strategies for haircuts, coloring techniques, beard grooming suggestions and eyewear - Create your desired message built upon your own lines and elements of design already present in you.
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